"Poetic Dungeon and Hex Keying" (Monsters and Manuals) considers a versification of dungeon descriptions. Your humble critic believes this would be a positive development, matching the text itself to the elaborate yet formalized "control panels" and layout design of many role-playing books. If all boxed text had to be written in heroic couplets, we might not have so much of it.
"E. Gary Gygax, Social Psychologist" (Roles, Rolls, and Rules) is an older post that is at least worth a skim. One might think that the "alignment system" of Dungeons and Dragons, which classifies characters on good-evil and law-chaos axes, makes for nice memes, but doesn't seem to cohere if applied in the real world. This post attempts to match the D&D alignment system with contemporary research in social psychology, while also explaining its awkwardness.
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